We concluded another fun year last night with the Third Annual McLean DRS Tournament. The rules are as follows:
Two brackets, four beers in each bracket.
Round 1 – taste and rate the four beers in each bracket (1-4, 1 being the best). The two most enjoyed beers in each bracket will move on.
Round 2 – taste and rate the two remaining beers in each bracket (1-2, 1 being the best). The most enjoyed beer in each bracket will move on.
Round 3 – taste and rate the final two beers, deciding the 2012 Champion.
The beers were randomly grouped by pulling numbers out of a hat. The groups were:
Group Pretzel
1) Uinta Hop Notch IPA (Stand in for Appalachian Brewing Hoppy Trails IPA)
2) Morland Old Speckled Hen
3) Devil’s Backbone Vienna Lager
4) Ice Cave Nanobrewery's Unknown: Sassy Giraffe, Vintage 2012
Group Potato Chip
1) Anchor Breckle’s Brown
2) Weyerbacher Winter Ale
3) Flying Dog Dogtoberfest
4) Anderson Valley Amber (Stand in for Anderson Valley Summer Solstice)

Uinta Hop Notch IPA and Morland Old Speckled Hen made it out of Group Pretzl and Anchor Breckle’s Brown and Weyerbacher Winter Ale made it out of Group Potato Chip. Uinta Hop Notch IPA then met Anchor Breckle’s Brown in the Championship. Uinta Hop Notch IPA won a 4-2 vote. Very close.
All the beers were good. Below are the condensed results.
Last Place: Flying Dog Dogtoberfest; Anderson Valley Amber; Devil's Backbone Vienna Lager
Fifth Place: Ice Cave Nanobrewery's Unknown: Sassy Giraffe, Vintage 2012
Tied for Third: Weyerbacher Winter Ale; Morland Old Speckled Hen
Second Place: Anchor Breckle's Brown
Winner: Uinta Hop Notch IPA