Who We Are
dark, rich, and SEXY are a group of peers who enjoy discussing their beer tasting experiences. We hold monthly meetings after work and occasionally make field trips to local pubs for a different ordeal. The blog was created to allow us to mark our occasional meetings and to share our beerventures when we're not together.
The current season started February 16, 2011 and will go through January 18, 2012, at which time we will end the year with a season ending tournament. The event will feature each event's winning selection matched up in tournament format.
Meeting Guidelines
Two club members are assigned to select and acquire the meeting's beer. Typically, these members will procure three six-packs, each pack of a different, non-commercial main stream brand of beer that fits a theme. All packs can be from the same brewery, but diversity is encouraged. It is important to note, however, that main-stream, commercialized beers are not welcome. If someone were to bring Budweiser to a meeting, he would be expelled from the club.
The themes for the season's event have been selected prior to the start of the season. For the 2012 season, the meetings alternate between ales and lagers. The club members responsible for selecting the event's beers are allowed free choice of beers so long as they have not already be selected in the current season or won a meeting in the prior season. See the Beer Themes tab for more detail on beer selections.
The club members responsible for the month's beer selections are responsible for concealing the identity of their selections throughout the tasting and voting, ensuring objectivity in the clubs decisions. Typically, each beer will be identified with a letter number so that other members will be able to cast votes. After each member has had a chance to taste each beer, the voting will begin. Each member will issue their choice of first, second, and third place as 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The selections' vote points will be totaled and the selection with the lowest total points will be the winner.
Current Members
Until circumstance prohibits such, guests are allowed to attend and vote.